
Prayagraj's Leading Cancer & Paralysis Doctor

Dr. Mishra's Homoeotaj Clinic

Homeopathy is a medical science developed by German physician Dr Samuel Hahnemann. Homeopathy based on the principle of similia similibus curentur ‘like cures like ‘in simple words, it means that any substance that produces symptoms in a healthy person can cure similar symptoms in a person who is unwell. It is referred to as the ‘Law of Similar’. This idea was understood by Hippocrates (father of medicine) and is also mentioned in ancient Hindu manuscripts. It was Hahnemann, however, who turned it into the science of healing. Homoeopathy never gives up from to every disease. A drop of Homeopathy medicine can change the quality of your life. Homeopathy Treatment is one of the safest process of pharmaceutical which never harm body and suitable to everyone. With the aim of curing chronic & dreadful diseases like paralysis & cancer by homeopathy.

Meet Our Specialists

With his great experience Dr. Prince Mishra running Dr. Mishra's Homeotaj Clinic very well and treating over 100+ patients every week

Dr. Prince Kumar Mishra (BHMS, MD)
Paralysis & Cancer Specialist, Awarded By Central Govt. Of India
Mr. AK Mishra (Dr. Mishra)
Founder and Director

Area Of Expertise

Dr. Mishra's Homoeotaj Clinic is specialized in Paralysis & Cancer Treatment by using advanced homeopathy therapy technique

Paralysis also known as “Plegia” is a kind of chronic disease in which nervous system does not working properly. Paralysis attacks occur when a person is unable to move a certain part of the body; during a paralysis attack, there is a disconnection of the body from the brain. Paralysis is usually of two kinds- partial or complete. Paralysis can affect either one or both sides of the human body. In some cases, just one area of your body gets affected, while in some other cases it can be widespread. When paralysis hits the lower half of the human body, such as both legs, it is referred to as paraplegia. When paralysis hits arms as well as legs, it is referred to as quadriplegia. In the majority of cases, paralysis happens because of strokes or any kind of injury like an injury to the spinal cord or a broken neck.

Are you looking for a Homoeopathic cure for paralysis ?

Dr. Mishra Homoeotaj Clinic provides the best paralysis treatment in Allahabad. Homoeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of Homoeopathy is not only to treat illness but to address its underlying cause and individual vulnerability. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies are available to treat paralysis that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensations and modalities of the complaints. For individualized remedy selection and treatment Dr. Prince Kumar Mishra wins a lot of awards from reupdated organizations & excellent reviews from their patients.

Cancer can develop anywhere in the body. It starts when cells grow out of control and crowd out normal cells. This makes it hard for your body to work the way it should. For many people, cancer can be treated successfully. In fact, more people than ever before lead full lives after cancer treatment. The cells in our bodies all have certain jobs to do. Normal cells divide in an orderly way. They die when they are worn out or damaged, and new cells take their place. In cancer, the cells keep on growing and making new cells. They crowd out normal cells. This causes problems in the part of the body where the cancer started. They can also spread to other parts of the body. Some cancers grow and spread fast while others grow more slowly. Cancer is a broad term. It describes the disease that results when cellular changes cause the uncontrolled growth and division of cells.

Certain forms of cancer result in visible growths called tumors, while others, such as leukemia, do not.

Most of the body’s cells have specific functions and fixed life spans, cell death is part of a natural and beneficial phenomenon called apoptosis.

A cell receives instructions to die so that the body can replace it with a newer cell that functions better. Cancerous cells lack the components that instruct them to stop dividing and to die.

As a result, they build up in the body, using oxygen and nutrients that would usually nourish other cells. Cancerous cells can form tumors, impair the immune system and cause other changes that prevent the body from functioning regularly.

Cancerous cells may appear in one area, and then spread via the lymph nodes. These are clusters of immune cells located throughout the body.


Cancer is a group of diseases that can cause almost any sign or symptom. The signs and symptoms will depend on where the cancer is, & how big it is, and how much it affects the organs or tissues. If a cancer has spread (broaden), signs or symptoms may appear in different parts of the body. As a cancer grows, it can begin to push on nearby organs, blood vessels, and nerves. This pressure causes some of the signs and symptoms of cancer. If the cancer is in a critical area, such as certain parts of the brain, even the smallest tumor can cause symptoms. But sometimes cancer starts in places where it won’t cause any signs or symptoms until it has grown quite large.


✶ Heavy alcohol consumption
✶ Excess body weight
✶ Physical inactivity
✶ Poor nutrition
✶ Some cancers are developed genetically
✶ Weak immune system

Are you looking for a homeopathic cure for Cancer ?

Dr. Mishra Homoeotaj Clinic provides the best cancer treatment in Allahabad. Our researchers integrate basic research discovery with the development of novel interventions against cancer. Cancer research transfigures & save life of thousand of peoples every year. The goal of studying cancer is to develop safe and effective methods to prevent, detect, diagnose, treat, and, ultimately, cure the collections of diseases we call cancer. The better we understand these diseases, the more progress we will make toward diminishing the prodigious human and economic tolls of cancer. Homeopathy “treats the person as a whole”. Means that homeopathic medicine for cancer focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic remedies for cancer are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc. A malicious tendency (predisposition/susceptibility) is also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions. Now a day’s 1000+ cases of cancer can be cured by homeopathy every year.
Gallstones are hardened deposits of digestive fluid that can form in your gallbladder. Your gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped organ on the right side of your abdomen, just beneath your liver. The gallbladder holds a digestive fluid called bile that's released into your small intestine. Gallstones range in size from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a golf ball. Some people develop just one gallstone, while others develop many gallstones at the same time.People who experience symptoms from their gallstones usually require gallbladder removal surgery. Gallstones that don't cause any signs and symptoms typically don't need treatment.


Gallstones may cause no signs or symptoms. If a gallstone lodges in a duct and causes a blockage, the resulting signs and symptoms may include:
✶Sudden and rapidly intensifying pain in the upper right portion of your abdomen
✶Sudden and rapidly intensifying pain in the center of your abdomen, just below your breastbone
✶Back pain between your shoulder blades
✶Pain in your right shoulder
✶Nausea or vomiting


✶ Your bile contains too much cholesterol
✶ Your bile contains too much bilirubin
✶ Your gallbladder doesn't empty correctly

Are you looking for a homeopathic cure for Stones ?

Dr. Mishra Homoeotaj Clinic provides the best stone treatment in Allahabad With homeopathic medicine, Homoeopathy can cure small gallbladder stones and avoid surgical treatments, However, homeopathic treatments may take some time to show results. Gallstones do not go away on their own. Natural remedies may reduce the symptoms and pain but surgical treatment is important to get rid of gallstones.

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